
Monday, November 15, 2004

And Slumber Beckons...

So far not consistent.

Well if you are wondering, I turned my exegesis late. But I was sick. I started getting sick on the 14th of October and I am still trying to beat it. I have a Biblical Foundations test tomorrow. It's gonna be hard.
And now on topic with the title...

I had three hours of sleep last night. w00t! I am running off of coffee and some food Saga (campus cafeteria) has been its usual depressing self as of late. Coffee was pretty bad too. Waffle Shoppe has good coffee! woooo the caffeine is wearing off.

I am fed up with Computer Science I!!!!! I want it to be over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and I leave you with this very true programming quote.

"C makes it easy to shoot yourself in the foot; C++ makes it harder, but when you do, it blows away your whole leg."
- Bjarne Stroustrup

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