
Friday, January 21, 2005

Blood on my hands Blood on the ground...

The past forty-something hours have been some of the most intense and crazy of my life to date.


One of my friends here on campus is very spiritually sensitive. She was talking to Dan and she told him there was a fifth person in the room?! His name was Lust. Yes, the spiritual kind of "person." She had to leave the room.
We pulled together and prayed like there was no tomorrow. After that we were led to do a prayer walk of the campus. We did that until we were finished.


The suite has been cleaned out. Lust is not loitering at present.
We had communion in the room and Kate annointed our doorposts and windowframes with oil.

Note: The room is physically brighter and the air is lighter.


(to be filled in later today so come back later)

This is just the short and skinny of it all there is too much to put into words right now.

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